News Releases

HKREITA Welcomes Inclusion of REITs in the Stock Connect Scheme

20 April 2024

HKREITA welcomes the inclusion of real estate investment trusts (REITs) in the Stock Connect regime announced by the China Securities Regulatory Commission and Hong Kong market regulators on Friday, 19 April. This measure is part of the initiatives aimed at further expanding mutual market access between the Mainland and Hong Kong.

HKREITA believes that the inclusion of REITs will increase investment alternatives and diversify stable income options for Mainland China and Hong Kong investors, while attracting more capital to the Hong Kong market. HKREITA will work closely with relevant parties in both markets to foster market development and education to encourage wider participation in the scheme.

Inclusion of REITs into the Stock Connect regime was one of the policy recommendations HKREITA made to the Hong Kong authorities for promoting the growth of the REIT industry. HKREITA is pleased that the authorities positively responded to market requests.
